Department Of Geography

History: The department of Geography. K. N. Mahavidyalaya was established in the year 1971 along with the establishment of the college to cater to the needs of the students of the tribal belt Korba. Since its establishment. the college is running U. G. Classes and P. G. Classes. The department of Geography is well known because of its academic activities and good results. The department maintains 100% results every year and passed students are working in various Govt. and Non- Govt. sectors. From time to time The department organizes seminar debate and group discussion for the overall development of the students. The department has well-experienced and qualified faculties to handle the classes. A good number of students are registered every year in both U.G and P.G. Classes.

Name : Shri Ajay kumar Mishra (HOD)

Desiganation : Assist Professor

Working : Since 1992
Qualification : MA, M. Phil.

Name : Dr(Smt) Lalita Sahu
Designation : Asst. Professor
Working : Since
Quallification : M.A.,Ph.D.

Name : Shri Govind Madhav Upadhyay
Designation : Asst. Professor
Working : Since 1998
Quallification : M.A. ,M.Phill