Department Of Hindi

Kamla Nehru College, Came into its Existence on 15 th June, 1971 with the motto of impart Education to all. The college’s tag line reads————————. Ever since its birth the department of Hindi, has been a part and parcel of this temple of Education . The department took its shape and came into its present stage under the esteemed and enlightening guidance of Prof. D. N. Pandey, who took up the charge as its first Head of the Department. Later Prof.B.L.Sahu carried on the legacy of perfection. During its formation year the offered courses in B.A. (Hindi Literature) and ever since so the college has continued to offer its students gradation (Bachlor) courses in Hindi Language. A New chapter was added to the annals of the department in 1983, when the department started post-graduation course in Hindi Literature. Ever since its inception, the department aimed at providing an analytical knowledge of Hindi Literature.
1 – Library:- The department has its own library which houses about 4000 books and journals covering various shades of literature .The department of Hindi has been recognized as a research center by the Guru Ghasi Das University, Bilaspur, in the year 1984.Ever since its reorganization as a research center, the students, from time to time have carried out successful research under the careful guidance of the department.

Name Dr. Archana Singh
Designation HOD
Quallification M.A., Ph.D. , SLET
Experience Working Since – 02/08/1988

Name Mr. T.V.Narasimham
Designation Asst. Professor
Quallification M.A.,M.Phil
Experience Working Since 20/08/1998

Name – Kumkum Gulhare
Designation – Guest Lecturer
Qualifications – M.À. HINDI , B.ED , M.ED, FINEART


The research students are expected to exhibit their skills and literary excellence in the project under taken by them. The department aims at maintaining the standards of high excellence. Since 2003-2004 about 750 students have successfully presented their research papers on chhatisgarhi literature covering various aspects of the region giving special emphasis on food, life style, custom etc. Along with this the students have also penned down in journals about the historical and religious centers of the state. Even of the rural regions with special reference to festivals and feasts have made special place in the columns penned by the research students, in the sphere of journals, the department has taken up research programmes, centered around the local problem and issues.

Activities of the Department:
The students who have enrolled in the courses are encouraged to take part in various curricular activities like literary seminars, essay compaction, debates and conferences. The department takes pains of organization various literary programmes to mark the celebrations of “Hindi Day” every year.