Department Of Chemistry

Name Mrs. Gayatri Sahu
Designation Asst Professor
Qualification M.Sc.(Chemistry), M. Phill.
Experience Working Since 4/11/08


Name Mrs Jyoti Diwan
Designation Asst.Professor
Qualification M.Sc.(Chemistry), M. Phill.
Experience Working Since -22 /9/2011


Name Mrs. Swapnil Jaiswal
Designation Asst.Professor
Qualification M.Sc.(Chemistry),B.ED., M.Phil.(Chemistry) CGSET-2019 Qualified CGTET-2012 Qualified Ph.d.(Chemistry) pursuing
Experience Working Since – 1/10/2014


About Department :

Chemistry Department of K.N.College was started in year 1999-2000 and P.G. Department was started in year 2004 – 2005. In this department there are 2 laboratories for practical work for U.G. and P.G. In lab all essential chemicals, apparatus instruments are present according to the recent syllabus. Well maintained and well-equipped lab with all basic facilities is available.


Facilities :

  • Departmental library for P.G. Students.
  • All instruments for P.G. Student are available here.

» Colorimeter

» Spectrophotometer

» Chromatography apparatus

» PH Meter

» Conductivity meter

» Computer for Students

» Water Analyser Kit.

» Centrifuge Machine.

» Digital Conductivity meter and Ph Meter